

Global Mental Health E-Journal


    Global Mental Health E-Journal is a scholarly, electronic journal published twice a year by NCUE Department of Guidance and Counseling and Taiwan Counseling Net in Taiwan. The journal publishes contributions on many topics, such as mental health, guidance, counseling psychology, clinical psychology, rehabilitation, counseling, social work, psychiatry, Psychiatric nursing, occupational therapy, speech-language therapy, special education etc.. Our purpose is to represent the achievements of the academic research, encourage novice scholar to submit, enhance the climate of academic research, and advance the transnational and interdisciplinary academic development and communication. Global Mental Health E-Journal publishes papers in the areas of

    1. Academic monograph, including empirical research, review essay, theory or skill about mental health, guidance, counseling psychology, clinical psychology, rehabilitation counseling, social work, psychiatry, psychiatric nursing, occupational therapy, speech-language therapy, special education.

    2. Practical monograph, including method or strategy in practical experiences, program design and practice.


全球心理衛生E學刊  Global Mental Health E-Journal